65 deg. overcast, no wind.
Forecast = Mostly cloudy in the morning, then partly cloudy. Fog early. High of 75F. Winds less than 5 mph.
It ended up being quite foggy early yesterday morning, but at least, it wasn't raining. A little before 9:00 Jim took the garbage out and set it at the front of my site so that it would be picked up. Then since he was out, he decided to hook up the rest of my utilities.
You know, the water and sewer hoses.
Since he was out and about and the weather was co-operating, he grabbed his camera and took a few shots of my site and the park area that I'm in.
In the photo below, you can see that this park is nothing fancy, and I have trouble calling it a "Resort" as there is definitely not a resort like setting.
You know, I have never been able to figure out what the definition of an RV Resort is. When I think of a "Resort", I think of an upscale park with lush green grass, spacious sites, maybe a tree or palm in the area to sit under, picnic tables at every site, and possibly some vegetation between sites for some privacy. Then of course, there has to be a swimming pool, lots of activities, and of course a big banquet hall or rec hall for entertainment or gatherings.
This park has lots of amenities and even a banquet hall, but I just can't make myself think of it as a "Resort".
I don't know, maybe it's just me.
About 11:00 yesterday morning, Jim and Linda took CLT and headed into town to find the Walgreen's Drug Store so that Linda could get her prescriptions refilled. They easily found it and she got all here prescriptions refilled without any problems.
In fact they were in and out of Walgreen's in about 45 minutes.: )
From there, they stopped at a bakery and picked up a few goodies, went to the Post Office to mail a card, and then drove around town a little to see what was there and to scope out some stores they may go to while we're in the area.
When they got back, Linda did a load of laundry and Jim took a nap. ; )
Today, I think they're going to take a drive to check out some of the neighboring communities and see the sights. Jim says he's heard that there are some very scenic drives in this area that they call "Texas Hill Country", and he wants to see if he can find some of them.
I hope he remembers to take his camera along. ; )
Did you know that the King Ranch in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode Island?
Did you know that In the British Isles, it is a tradition that women may propose marriage only on leap years?