DeBary, FL.
59 deg. clear, no wind.
Forecast = Mostly cloudy with isolated showers. Highs around 81°F. South wind to 17 MPH, gusting to 24 MPH. Chance of precipitation near 25%.
It was about 9:40 when CLT pulled out of his parking spot next to me to take Jim and Linda to Wildwood. He said that they went to Sanford where they picked up RT 46 and took it over to the Mt. Dora/Eustis area where they turned onto 441, and followed it to RT. 44. 44 took them into Wildwood and to the Russell Stover outlet store, on the West side of town.
Linda found a whole bunch of Sugar Free Chocolates at the store and purchased quite a few different varieties. ; )
After they finished shopping they stopped at a Waffle House for lunch. Jim said that the food was good, but the place wasn't very clean. In fact Jim went into the restroom and said that the place was filthy.
By the time they finished eating it was about 12:45 so they headed over to Monte and Donna's. When they got there, they were in for quite a surprise!!! It seems that last October, Donna had a heart attack and since then has had quadruple by-pass surgery!!!!
She's doing fine now, but she's had some rough times. Hopefully she'll regain her strength and will feel better soon.
Anyway, Jim and Linda stayed and visited with Monte and Donna for awhile and then headed back here to DeBary. This time, they took US 301 North out of Wildwood until they came to County Road 42. Turning East on 42 brought them almost all the way to DeLand where they picked up US 44 which brought them into DeLand and where they turned South on 15A. 15A took them to US 17/92 which brought them back here to DeBary.
Returning this way was longer, and took them a little longer, but the driving was much easier with much less traffic. Jim says that in the future, they'll probably go by this route.
After they returned, both Jim and Linda were talking about how nice it was to see Monte and Donna again. : )
A Point to Ponder : It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
We rode by that big Russell Stover place and thought about Linda. It does seem to be in the middle of nowhere.