Moncure, NC
53 deg. overcast, no wind.
Forecast = Partly cloudy. Fog early. High of 70F. Winds from the West at 5 to 10 mph.
Well, Jim and Linda did not go to the grocery store yesterday, but in the afternoon they did go to a Wally World in Sanford to pick up a few items. One of the main reasons for go there was to find a birthday present for Dillon, (Mike and Gina's youngest child and Jim's Grandson), who will turn 5 this Friday. While they were at Wally World, they also bought a few H & B items that they needed.
Then, since it was getting close to dinner time, they headed over to the Brass Kettle Restaurant where they had another very good meal.
Other than that, not a whole lot happened yesterday. It was still only in the 50's, overcast, and it was misting rain much of the day, so it wasn't very pleasant outside.
Today is supposed to be much nicer. ; )
So, since they didn't get groceries yesterday, Jim and Linda will need to go grocery shopping either today or tomorrow. Linda has more laundry to do, plus go through some more of those old picture albums to find photos for her Family Tree Maker program and Jim has some things he wants/needs to do outside, so they could go either day.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. ; )
Did you know that today is "International Top Spinning Day"?
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