Saturday, October 6, 2012

Old Photo Albums, Change Coming and A Close Call

Moncure, NC

54 deg. partly cloudy, no wind.

Forecast = Sunny, high temp. 82 deg. SW wind @ 5 to 10 mph.

Not a whole lot to report on this morning, but I thought I'd check in.

The main thing that happened was that Jim and Linda took CLT and headed over to Mike and Gina's yesterday evening. Linda had asked Mike if he could dig out the old family photo albums and he had brought them out of storage for Linda to look at.

You see, the Family Tree Maker program that Linda is using, allows you to insert photos into the program so that you have a record of what people looked like. And, buried in those boxes of albums are the photos that Linda would like to use.

After having a very nice meal of Polish Sausage, baked beans and salad, some of the boxes were opened and most of the rest of the evening was spent looking through some of the albums.

Jim and Linda brought 2 boxes of albums back here, and today I'm sure Linda and Jim will spend some time going through them and trying to decide on which photos need to be scanned onto the computers hard drive. Then, in the next few days, they'll take these boxes back to Mike's and bring some more back here.

Today, Mike and his family will be busy. The kids have some activities that they need to go to and Mike has some chores that need his attention at the house.

Mike and Gina were planning out coming out here to the RV Park on Sunday, but all the weather reports are saying that we're in for a big change in the weather. The current forecast is for rain, falling temperatures with highs in the lower 60's and fairly strong winds. : (  So, they will probably wait until next weekend and Jim and Linda will go to their house instead.

Oh, and just one more thing.

CLT had a real close call on the way back here to the RV Park last night. 2 deer rain across the road right in front of him!!!!   He said that it surprised him so much that his oil pressure went up a few pounds and his temperature rose a little before he finally calmed back down.

I think Jim will let him go a little slower on the way back here to the CG from now on. There's lots of deer out and about this time of the year.

Did you know that North Carolina is the largest producer of sweet potatoes in the nation?


  1. Gotta watch for those deer! My theory is they're running from hunters, but the alternative isn't so good either!

  2. A few years ago I was coming out of a campground with my kids. A deer ran in front of us so I stopped knowing where there is one there is usually more. Sure enough 7 of them came out out of the field and ran in front of us. Better to be slow and careful this time of the year!



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